iEssence Families for Today
iPrimary Needs Chart
iBach Flower vs Falling Leaf
iBach vs Falling Leaf - The Index



iLevels of Essence Action
iLasting results with Essences
iUser-Friendly Essence Families



more information on the primary needs chart

People seek essences for different reasons. Although the stated reason might be very general, such as 'I simply want to feel better', if one asks further, a more specific need is apparent. This will also depend on our constitutional make up. As we journey through life, often the same challenges will arise based on who we are. It is important to be aware and support the parts of ourselves that are the most vulnerable thus allowing us to reach more of our potential. At other times we will also need to attend to other needs that arise dependent on the circumstances that surround us.

Our primary needs maybe to either:
1. Strengthen
2. Rebalance
3. Release and Let Go
4. Resolve Blockage
5. Find Creative Expression
6. Ground
7. Awaken Potential
8. Protect
9. Develop Spiritual Awareness
10. Detach
11. Find Emotional Awareness

Once you work out the primary need, this need can then guide you to an appropriate essence family to meet that need.

Each essence family best suits certain primary needs.

For example, Flower Essences are best at:
1. Find Creative Expression
2. Find Emotional Awareness
3. Develop Spiritual Awareness

By contrast, OriginalAA Lambert Falling Leaf essences are best at
1. Release and Let Go
2. Find Emotional Awareness
3. Resolve Blockage

primary needs chart

What is your Primary Need?

i Strengthen

i Rebalance

i Release and Let Go

i Resolve Blockage

i Find Creative Expression

i Ground

i Awaken Potential

i Protect

i Develop Spiritual Awareness

i Detach

i Find Emotional Awareness



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Advance Alchemy trademarkCopyright 2007 - 2008 Advanced Alchemy Pty Ltd

The health and lifestyle information on this website should be considered as a general guideline only. It should not be relied on as a substitute for specific professional advice. Our essences are intended to facilitate your personal growth and emotional wellbeing. In the event of illness or persistent symptoms the advice of your health care professional should be sought

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