Quality Creams


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iBody Nurturing Creams

iSpecialised Nurturing Creams

Quality Creams 
- body nurturing creams

Five Essence Creams for application to any area of the body

The Key to understanding this cream is to see it as a unique carrier for the specialised essences that it contains. Whereas most moisturising creams are "wet" creams that add moisture to the skin, this essence based cream acts to normalise your body’s moisture production for the skin during the day. This in our experience produces a more lasting result. We are seeking to help the Body, Mind and Spirit re-balance where the body is more able nurture itself. This in some cases can take a little longer than traditional moistening lotions as the cream will be working on significantly different levels. You may also experience some emotional adjustment as your current state of being may be affecting your body’s natural inclination to moisturise itself.

This is similar to the above cream except that the essence combination in this cream has maximal activity during the night hours of darkness.

Both moisturizing creams are designed not only to be moisturising but to benefit the general health, circulation, tone and integrity of the skin.

Whenever you feel like your skin needs a fresh breath of life, think of this cream. When you feel that your skin looks older than your actual age, cleansing cream is suggested. It is excellent for those blemishes and imperfections that detract from your appearance, and equally detract from how you feel about your appearance.

As the Cleansing Cream works to remove toxins from the skin, it also has a cleansing effect on the soul- a real inner and outer spring clean! This cleansing process can have you feeling like a new person! Cleansing Cream for several weeks is often but not always followed by Moisturising Cream.

Cleansing Cream is usually applied twice daily to the affected areas for optimal results.

Sometimes, outer layers of the skin become too dry and very flaky, inflamed, aged and wrinkled, or just worn out. By a natural process, cells from the outer layers of the skin gradually die and are released, often when we wash our skin. Sometimes, the external layer of the skin will peel, revealing new, pink skin beneath. Exfoliating Cream accelerates these natural processes of skin replacement. Thus, it can be applied to skin which needs to be replaced, and has an exfoliating or releasing action. Exfoliating Cream does not adversely affect healthy skin cells but gives a firm nudge to old skin cells that have well and truly had their day.

These creams follow the ancient law of alchemy ‘As the outer, so the inner.’ So as your skin sheds these old outer layers, so inwardly you may be shedding old beliefs and/or emotions which no longer serve a useful purpose in your present life.

Exfoliating Cream for several weeks is often but not always followed by Cleansing Cream and then either Moisturising Cream or one of our Specialised Nurturing Creams for that particular part of the body, such as face, hand or feet.

This essence cream is great for assisting in repair of the skin after shaving, abrasions or even helping with some of the ill-effects after over-exposure of the skin to the elements. As with all our creams, this cream has an inner action that parallels its outer effects. It repairs parts of ourselves that may have endured an abrasive experience.


Build your wellbeing by essence mosturising


              - key subjects

Which group is best for me?

iHow do the Creams work? 

iTree Bark Essence Protection


iWhy are they special? 


iWhich One is Best for Me?

iLiquid or Cream?

iHow do I use the creams?


iAbout Quality Creams
iSoul Nurturing Creams



iBody Nurturing Creams

iSpecialised Nurturing Creams


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Advance Alchemy trademarkCopyright 2007 - 2008 Advanced Alchemy Pty Ltd

The health and lifestyle information on this website should be considered as a general guideline only. It should not be relied on as a substitute for specific professional advice. Our essences are intended to facilitate your personal growth and emotional wellbeing. In the event of illness or persistent symptoms the advice of your health care professional should be sought

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